Damage to the brain can affect every part of the body since the brain is the body’s control center; the respiratory system, digestive system, central nervous system, circulatory system, muscular system, urinary, and reproductive systems all take their orders, in one manner or another, from the brain. Not all systems are necessarily injured in a stroke, and not all are injured equally, but damage to one part of the body will ultimately cause you to have to compensate in your other systems, causing an imbalance in the delicate equilibrium that governs the human body.
Effects of stroke
Cognitive functions, such as memory and decision-making, can be impaired by stroke. Communication may be impaired in a variety of ways: speech, comprehension, reading, and/or writing. Social skills are often impacted by personality changes, inappropriate behavior or speech, or emotional problems such as depression, mood swings, anger, or anxiety.
Senses and perceptions can be damaged by a stroke: depth perception, which can lead to balance problems and falls, blurred vision, changes to taste and smell, impaired touch sensation, and hearing loss. Automatic functions such as body temperature control, regular breathing, or heartbeat may also be affected.
Damage to nerves and muscle control can cause a host of problems. Weakness or paralysis of throat, tongue, or mouth muscles may cause difficulty eating and swallowing, increasing the risk of choking. Incontinence and reduced sexual function are not uncommon. Impaired hand-eye coordination can cause difficulty with personal hygiene, feeding oneself, or picking up objects. Nerve damage can cause ghost pains or twitches, cause muscles to contract, or send no signals to extremities, leading to loss of feeling and inability to move those muscles.
Limiting damage
The more quickly a stroke patient receives medical treatment, the greater the likelihood that severe, long-term damage can be averted. Not only quick medical care is needed. Therapy must also be immediate, beginning, if possible, within hours of restoring blood flow to all parts of the brain. Because of the brain’s amazing ability to heal itself, known as neuroplasticity, quick treatment followed by quick therapy can help the brain rebuild and restore former functions.
Since a stroke can be so devastating, it is critically important to take steps to eliminate as many stroke factors as possible to reduce the risk of stroke, including AFib, CHF, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. Prior stroke is also a risk factor, as is a hospital stay; 25% of all strokes are repeat strokes, and 17% of strokes occur in patients who are already in the hospital for other reasons.
Neuralert is dedicated to decreasing the devastating effects of stroke by detecting a potential stroke within minutes, speeding treatment to the patient as soon as possible. Our non-invasive stroke detection monitor looks like a smartwatch and has been proven to detect strokes in as little as 15 minutes, with a near-zero false alarm rate.
The Neuralert stroke detection system can be used both in the hospital as well as in an outpatient setting for patients at risk of stroke. Talk to your doctor about using our stroke detection wristbands to provide the quick response you need to decrease your risk of damage from stroke.